Sat Oct 15th 2022 garden ramblings

2 years ago

Just an unscripted (for once) ramble filmed on Sat, Oct 15th.

Talking points
- Miss J Smalls of Pfizer testified in Eurpoen Parliament that they were working at the speed of science & didn't have time to verify if the shot did in fact prevent transmissability.... leading to the question, well, isn't that what all the propaganda was pushing? Save Grandma, stop the spread? Unless transmission has a new definition, it is 2022 after all...
- quick touch on the awesome new Alberta Premier out there making waves.
- European countries, under 50, you can Not get the jab.
- Out of Ontario, if you're against the agenda, you're crazy & they wanna put you on head drugs. Watch out Canada, I could see T implementing this nationwide.
- Also outta Ontario, you hear they're talking masks again? LOL. Again, watch out all Provinces.
- Tam up on stage with a mask on, only person for half a mile, announcing, "Hey Canadians, you need a jab every 90 days." LOL, get bent.
- How unhealthy our supposed "health experts" are.
- New Muderna jab coming out.. to "heal your heart".. here, we destroyed it with this one, but hhhhey, trust us, we've got this new one that'll fix ya right up!
-'s booster season.. & sick season is starting.. & I'm seeing more & more sick people coming into work.. & they say how bad it's been.. & you wonder if they've been jabbed..
- Florida reporting 18-39 yr old males, do Not get the shots, increased chances of all sorts of issues.
- The jabs in the breastmilk, the ovaries.. my best friend of 30yrs has been having issues for a year, other family & friends having issues. Real stories. Real people. Real harm has been done.
- Testing. STOP testing yourself! There is potential you are jabbing yourself like livestock (& don't get me going on what they're doing to our livestock/food system). Numerous court cases & studies on the false positives. They're not regular cotton swabs, they are some crazy fibre that you're lodging in your brain. Multiple recalls Worldwide for poisons on them. The send away ones, you have no idea where your DNA is being sent to.
- Getting back to source, natural healing - VASS Wellness & similar parallel systems coming together to serve their Communities.
- Getting back to source. Pharma is not going to heal you. Return to source, to Mother Nature. Know the natural plants & medicines that exist all around. Eat real food & drink, know your Farmer &/or shop at grocers you can trust.
- Be the light in the World, every day. Be there for people. Make them smile.

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