Family First Life Violating FTC Cease & Desist. Recruiter Lying to New Agent.

1 year ago

Agent after agent is telling me that they are being "promised the moon" and being promised $11 exclusive leads by Family First Life recruiters.

Finally, I pulled the trigger and applied via zip recruiter to FFL and heard the lies directly from a Family First Life recruiter/fraudster.

Interesting Quotes:

"Some part-time (agents) take home between 5 and 7 thousand per week. And some do 30K per month."

"It depends on how much you are willing to put in and how active you are" (skills apparently don't matter)

"You will have to purchase leads which is how you make your income"

"Typically, the first batch of leads that everyone (agents) purchases is around $1,000 which guarantees a handful of sales which more than overcompensates for what you've spent."

"Put it on your credit card and when you get the commission, you just pay it off."

"We have a system that works... as long as you do the following, and you are coachable"

"We don't sell the leads, but we know the leads are good because ..... We don't monitor the leads but make sure you will not get leads that go to other agents"

"Instant Internet Leads" - "Exclusive leads are $11" - (This is a huge lie)

The agency name is Family First Life Premier of Georgia and the recruiter/fraudster is named Brittney and her boss is Jeremy,

"When you build the business (she is inferring about recruiting other agents), the business is yours" If you decided in two years that you wanted to leave you can leave and take your book of business" but later in the call, after being pressed, she tells me that FFL won't give a release, which is actually true. (Which means the time and effort that you spent recruiting will be stolen from you. Oooops).

"Family First Life has a ton of leads, we never run out" ($11 exclusive leads). "Refilled every minute of every day."

"We have millions of agents"

'In my subset of 300 agents, some agents do 400k in 6 months, 700K in a year"

"You can make a million dollars a year, but it depends on you and your work ethic"

"We have exclusive mailers as well"

The fraudster agrees that I am likely to make the sale if it is an exclusive lead and I speak to the prospect in 30 seconds.

"Greg Birch is an angry person who decided to file a lawsuit"

"Family First Life has no control over release issues", but when corrected that this is not true the fraudster gave additional excuses. It is clear that FFL does not release and that who "free to come and go" is a lie.

ZipRecruiter's ads show expected income at Family First Life of up to $500,000 per year.

Please view the various videos on the playlist pertaining to the FFL Defrauding Insurance agents and the Public.

Family First Life is being sued in a class-action lawsuit for lead & release fraud here:

Family First Life Cease & Desist

Family First Life and 9 agents being sued for $552,250 for violating "Do Not Call" law.

This video should be used by agents when individual agents are suing family first life. Firstly, agents that were defrauded by FFL should complain to the state Attorney General. Show your attorney general our play list.

NAAIP's forum post that has the latest developments in the FFL's legal battles

Please view the various videos on the playlist pertaining to the FFL Defrauding Insurance agents and the Public.

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