This Simple Message About a Mother's Love Brought an Entire Middle School to Tears

2 years ago

This Simple Message About a Mother's Love Brought an Entire Middle School to Tears
Middle school is a really challenging time for both young teenagers. As a parent, you probably understand how difficult it is to motivate them. For former professional wrestling champion Marc Mero, he gave a simple, yet personal message on mother's love and the flood gate of tears started to flow from the students' faces. Through a story about his mother, her death, and his regrets about not appreciating her, Mero calls the middle school students not to push their parents away. "I would slam my door on the one person who believed in me," the once rebellious motivational speaker said. His speech about his mom's love for him and realization of the meaning of love is a must watch, but be warned. . . You'll also need a box of tissues.

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