EFT (Tapping)... Letting Go of Fear and Stepping into Courage

2 years ago

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EFT or tapping, letting go of fear and stepping into courage. My name is called a Kolae Perkins. I'm an EFT and Foot Zone practitioner. My Genius Zone is helping people to establish energetic rhythms in their lives.

EFT tapping, letting go of fear and stepping into courage.
Today we're going to be taping on the small intestine meridian. The small intestine meridian runs up the hand side of the little finger all the way up and out. As we tap on this point we will be working that small intestine meridian. We will get it activated and moving. For you it means that it will sort the pure from the impure and it receives materials and transforms it. In a physical way we eat food it comes down into the stomach and then to the small intestine. In the small intestine is where the good part of your food is absorbed into the body and the bad part is pushed on out. This can also happen on an emotional level. We can have the emotion pushed on out. We can keep the pure and the good so it can take fear and transfer, to step into courage. I know that tapping on this point would make a difference in your life.
Fear, what is it really? We all know it's a feeling we get, that pounding in our heart, to get ready to run, or we stand our ground. It's energy. It’s not very high on the map of Consciousness. I put it here to help you understand that it is low in energy. It holds you down and it doesn't allow you to rise up. Fear is not bad. It is a warning that you might be in danger.

Here is the link to a video that explains more about fear and how to meditate on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Msg90an9A

Fear can hold us in place or it can be a warning and help us to understand what we need to be doing to feel safe. I love that fear is not a stopping point but a jumping point. What am I afraid of and what can I do to help me move through the fear?

EFT We will go this three times for three different parts. Let's begin….
Tapping on the outside of the hand
Even though I have an attachment to fear
I love and accept myself completely
with infinite love and gratitude I release and forgive
Now you're going to hold your hand and then you're going to breathe all the air out of your lungs.
Then hold this empty space.
Then breathe back in.
You will repeat this process two more times.
The 2nd time you will focus on where fear is stored in your body.
The 3rd time you will release the generational patterning or DNA in your body.

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