The Founding Fathers Never Intended for the US to be a Democracy?|⚛

2 years ago

In a few days the United States will be conducting its midterm elections. For those who don't live in the US or do but couldn't care less. That's an election where nearly half of the United States Federal Government's elected officials are up for reelection, but the President and Vice President are not. So, around this time of year, we see lots of ads pushed out, and probably you guys and gals outside the US see some of them too as a little bit of collateral damage. Anyway, we see tons of ads put out by candidates and political funds. One theme I see often, especially coming from a certain side of the aisle, is that "we need to vote to strengthen our democracy." Well, what if it wasn't the Founding Fathers' intention for the US to be a Democracy in the first place? Let me Explain!

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