The Bride of Christ in the Last Days - 7 - The Bride and Her Period of Sanctification

2 years ago

What is the bride up to while she waits for her husband to return for her to take her away with him in the ancient Jewish marriage custom?

In remarkable harmony with the Jewish ceremony, we see Jesus leaves His Church to go to His Father where He is preparing a place for Her there. As He leaves, He sends her the Holy Spirit as a pledge of the wonderous things to come and the promise that He will return for her. This starts the Betrothal Period (or Period of Sanctification) when Christ and the Church are apart from each other for a very long period of time (approximately a year).

The Betrothal Period corresponds to the "church age" - the last 2,000 years of the Church's sanctification on the earth. Let's look at what the Church is to be doing during this time while she waits and watches for Him.

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