13000 years old ALIEN SATELLITE in Earth's ORBIT?!?!?! #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

13000 years old ALIEN SATELLITE in Earth's ORBIT?!?!?!

Proof: Collection of RAW Videos and Photos
(audio belongs to Neil Armstrong, during the moon mission)

Rapprochement of Black Knight satellite...

Close up of the black knight satellite...

For those who do not know that there are 19 Black Knight satellites... These are Alfratan L-Class fighters of Taygetan Pleiades fleet, they stay in the low Earth orbit nose down like a bird of prey looking for cabal, reptilians and other negative ships.

...two moved out of earth orbit in early 2000 but suspected they are still close.

They were discovered by scientific genius Tesla who captured his transmissions in 1869.

NASA sent more than one mission to intercept them but they (Black Knights) changed course every time.

It is estimated that they are about 13000 years old and still continue to broadcast but where it is a complete mystery.

Black Knight satellite and Arcturians:
According to Edgar Cayce and other people who have connected with them, they are the most advanced ETs in this galaxy. One of the probes which has been named after the Greek Goddess Athena, circles the Earth and is called the Black Knight satellite.


In 1960, the US Navy’s Dark Fence radar system made an even more spectacular discovery.
They had detected a large black object in polar orbit around the Earth, possibly weighing as much as 15 tons.
What was particularly odd about this was neither the US or the Soviets had the ability to put objects in polar orbit in 1960, and the purported weight was far beyond what either country were capable of getting into space.

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