TOP 10 DANGEROUS Kids REACTING To Serving Life in Prison

2 years ago

Number 8. Cameron Herrin
The then 18-year-old man who was behind the wheel of a Ford Mustang that hit and killed a mother and her baby on Bayshore Boulevard in 2018, was sentenced to 24 years in prison. Herrin and another man, John Barrineau, are accused of racing at the time of the deadly crash. Barrineau also pleaded guilty. He's serving a six-year prison sentence.
“This crime took two beautiful lives and left four families broken,” said State Attorney Andrew Warren. “No sentence can repair that damage or bring back the lives lost, but we hope this outcome delivers some comfort and closure for Jessica’s and Lillia’s families.”

Number 7. Samantha Grigg
That spring, Samantha Grigg would walk into a prison instead of across a high school graduation stage. After a judge’s ruling, she’ll spend between six and 15 years in a cell instead of the next four years in Eastern Michigan University classrooms.
Grigg, 18 of Saline, could barely hold her head up as she heard Clinton County Trial Court Judge Randy Tahvonen sentence her to prison for the death of Michigan State University student Dustyn Frolka, 19. Grigg pleaded guilty to manslaughter and unarmed robbery charges. Through tears, Grigg apologized for her role in Frolka’s homicide. She said she never meant him any harm, though she knew she was driving two people to a robbery. “He was a fellow musician,” Grigg said, her voice catching on emotion. “It really breaks my heart. I wish I could take it back every day.”

Number 6. Ky’Andrea Cook
Circuit Judge Matthew Foxman sentenced Ky’Andrea Cook to 20 years in prison for carjacking and battery. Her mother’s reaction when Foxman read the sentence went viral. For the sentence, the judge pointed out that the crime had been intentional and orchestrated and, since Cook was the main part of that, he sentenced her to 20 years in state prison. As soon as he said that, Cook's mother started crying and howling, and she sank to the floor. Her reaction was so loud that Foxman was forced to stop the court proceedings and restart them soon later.
Cook and her boyfriend, Kendrick Bass, used the dating app MeetMe to lure Perry Nida, a 27-year-old man to meet her in South Daytona, where she would allegedly buy cannabis and sleep with him. Nida took a 17-year-old teen named Immanuel Pursel with him. Cook got into Nida’s truck and told him she had to get money. Once she got back to the car, Bass got into the backseat wearing a mask.

Number 5. TJ Lane
Lane, the teenager convicted of the ending of three student lives at an Ohio high school in an anger rampage, has been sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Judge David L. Fuhry noted Lane's apparent lack of remorse and motive as part of his reasoning for the sentence. Lane, who pleaded guilty to aggravated murrer and other charges, appeared in a Chardon court wearing a white T-Shirt with the word "kil*er" written on it. During the hearing, Lane also gave the courtroom the middle finger.

Number 4. Fernando Salgado
An 18-year old Californian student broke down in hysterical tears in Fontana Superior Court while he was arraigned on criminal charges. Fernando Salgado calmly pleaded not guilty to the two charges relating to separate classroom incidents at A.B.

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