how to quit smoking/vaping w/ toothpicks (yo welcome)

2 years ago

*arthur holly compton died in 1962 and i feel bad for saying this about him cos he was a Christian and he was a really brilliant physicist, but still...fuck speed bumps
i guess i will always be punished
preventative measures for safety
conspiracy proof: paying attention
i have a friend who oded on seratonin
get some zzzs w/ zoloft
get zombified w/ zoloft
social control over $$$ lobbied in congress
pushing a button, doin the bare minimum
authority figures vs. God given instinct
all becuz they're wearin a suit...
if they try they'll just get murdered
shout out to the frontline doctors
i never raised my hand to ask a question
not for kids, hahaha
yawl are children in spirit
run those red lights
when they tell you to stop, keep goin
what they're telling you to do is wrong
they could do sumin right now
THIS is the mfing future
i don't expect many to understand what i do or why i do it *you ain't my people, SCRAM!
above n beyond whatever this world represents
there's still good in the bad
the part of me that sees that is God
i would rather be a threat and an intimidation
you have to believe that it's a cigarette
2 pack a day smoker for 10yrs
vapers are stupid stupid stupid
a pack of toothpicks is like a dollar, bruh
flavored vapor/flavored toothpick
make sure that it goes out, don't set anything on fire
take a drag and pretend
you look stupid killing yourself
vapers will have copd in a few years, maybe less
designated areas to smoke, not so w/ vaping
vaping is for losers, SMOKE TOOTHPICKS
5 yrs w/out a cigarette yawl

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