"gods" Sun, Slow Kill Government Experiment Continues, jesse & jd Boot fkd Off The Charge Charge Cut!

2 years ago

raymond over at formerly 141 [uk bunkchute] never did get back to me you [soros/g8tes] rumble puppet as far as the best email address to find you at, and who knew training pigeons was going to be this bloody hard eh pavlovski? I won't hold my breath though for anything from you but the norm so throttle up your live monitors there because your masonic satanic masters sure as shit won't like this one no doubt about that! And is there a reason besides the obvious btw you demon puppet pavlovski you won't let me change my thumbnail yet again?

You think that truth social 1333 was an accident btw creature? Suffering aye!

10 fold repaid beyond "i" the measure for those seeds in witch you sow!

Pretty sure jesse gets it! lol Why your jamming me up again like and an hour and a half with 4 bars on a 1. 5 gb vid yep!

I'll not waste my time much more on a description because we all know by now 4 years in limbo most short attention spanned creatures will never help us anyways so this too is merely a matter of formality to go with other stuff I'm working on so feel free to add onto the evidence of your complicity and throttle me away for "god" rumble puppet in what jesse over at Cjay 92.1 fm knows is coming for him too as well!

And lots more evidence picture mashes over on word press taunting your masters and catching the stuffed shirt pedo demon [zukerprick/rockefeller] and Cjay 92.1fm yet some more pavlovski at the [soros/g8tes] fronted rumble here!


And that one word responsible for the regurgitation of trillions of So_[u]_L's since the destruction of Tiamat would be summed up below for all you short attention spanned creatures such as scotty and readyteddy linked below_

And absolutely short attention spanned disrespectful scotty and readyteddy! Never take a chance on "humans" no! Never be honest! Never seek the full truth that would set you all free! Never fight for others, women and children, your country or world hell no never do it creatures! Just be bullet hoarding, short attention spanned, coward creatures such as yourselves and you'll go far in "life" for sure!

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