EXPERTS WANT PAUSE ON 5G! - Vaccine Induced Biotech Weapon? - The Patents EXPOSED!

1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent call by several experts to pause the rollout of 5G as more and more revelations come out regarding the health risks that come with the rollout. Not only do people have to be concerned about the radiation or the absurdity of the logistics of a 5G rollout, they also need to be concerned about the possible technology which has shown to be patented already with potential insane consequences. Mike Adams recently interviewed a woman by the name of Karen Kingston who has been a biotech analyst for more than 20 years. She went over several shocking patents with one main master patent owned by Moderna. The patents detail how they can use organic and inorganic material and essentially create a connection to your very biology via remote controlled crystallization. It sounds crazy, but it's an absolute REAL thing that most are unaware of.

In this video, we break down these risks and the connection to the Great Reset and the coming cashless society.

www.Banned.Video <<<------------///

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