The WORD of GOD + Who's to Blame for Covid19

2 years ago

Personal Prophecy Online During Sunday Broadcast!
It was in the early years of the 1990’s our Lord started expressing His Anger toward various cliches being used by many Christians. At first, I thought it was just a learning lesson for me to observe; however, I was promptly informed it was much more. When I heard one of these cliches spoken I would be horribly troubled in my gut. i.e., “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 NKJV).
Even though it was not I who was quenching the Holy Spirit it was part of the calling of a prophet to deal with the issue. So, I began to ask our Lord, “How should I approach this problem that troubles You so?” It all began with the common phrase when referencing to the Bible as the Word of GOD. Anger was in His voice when He said, “I Am the Word of GOD and I Am not wood pulp and ink bound in genuine leather.”
I had not realized this was so important until our Lord began revealing the devil was using this cliche to redirect G3D’s people into worshiping the book. Rather than the One who the books of the Bible are written about.
This Sunday, we will go deep into this major problem while doing our best to make the correction known. “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.” (Revelation 19:13 NKJV).
ReCap from May 10th 2020
To October 30, 2022
Peruvian Court Names Bill Gates, Rockefeller & Soros as Criminal Elite Responsible for Covid-19 (reports listed below 10-28-2022)

G3D’s Prophetic Word
Recorded: May 10, 2020
Talk of War
1.Tensions are at their highest as the blame game continues between the USA and China. Thugs on both sides rattling their sabers flashing warning signs demanding the other to back down and accept the blame. Loss of life and trillions of dollars are at stake in this quarrel between two super-powers.
A Deadly Game in Play
2.Before weapons are drawn G3D will bring into the light the 3 main players responsible for the loss of all these lives and financial ruin. You see China, the Dragon, does not always lie, they just speak half-truths. Oh, they truly have breathed into the fire that started it all; however, they are not totally at fault. They hold 3 major cards yet to be played. On each card is the face of a prominent player who will ultimately be charged. Surprisingly, these 3 faces are American’s who set COVID-19 into motion. They and the Dragon had equal motives to play this horrible game.
Their Purposes and Motives
3.Cripple the economy, Stop the elections, Create havoc to cover up political crimes, Release evil prisoners while making convicts out of honest hard-working people, Deliver despair, Stop the freedom rallies, Implement a vaccine that creates human time-bombs, Feed their fixation to control the population, who wil live and who will die, and Shut down the Churches.
Tower of Babel and One World Government
4.Do you see their modus of operandi? They desire to control everyone starting with the Nation of the Free and home of the brave. If they can take your freedom, then everyone will be forced to speak the same language and you’ll have to agree with their plans or be eradicated.
For video & podcast + Text go to;
Peruvian Court Names Bill Gates, Rockefeller & Soros as Criminal Elite Responsible for Covid-19
"...they had even planned how they were going to count the number of people and how they were going to handle the media."

OCTOBER 28, 2022 10-28-2022

S.G.T Report

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