OOPS: Fox Host Accidentally Reveals What Republicans Don't Want You To Know

2 years ago

The Democrats' messaging in the midterms has been a mess. They relied too long on the anger from the overturning of Roe v Wade to carry them through the midterms. Now the polls have tightened because Republicans are hammering them on inflation and the economy. They've been caught flat-footed. But there's something the Republicans don't want voters to know is in their plans, and Fox News gives a little too much away in this clip.

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The failure of the Democrats in terms of their messaging to create a readily identifiable villain that will draw their people out. because again it's like we've just been through a period where the Democrats were unable to deliver on their promises. And I'm talking about like you know Biden's build back the better bill. They delivered some stuff. But we cut the bottom half of the 50 people in this country 50. The bottom half of the wealth distribution had doubled wealth in the past two years than they had prior. And that was a function of things like the earned income child tax credit delivered to you by democrats. Great I mean the program. it diminished child poverty by half. yeah, the Manchin said that might be used on drugs so that's the other hand. Like that but now I mean they're gonna bear the brunt of that electorally since it was not continued. well if you didn't have Manchin in Sinema they would have delivered on it but the bottom line is they didn't it's not there. and so what you're offering Democratic voters is harm reduction. and we're aware of the harm that's associated with this. I think listeners of this program are aware of it. but you need to make it more explicit to people who don't spend their time digging deep into politics. and here is let's start with Sanders. Do we have that clip of him from yesterday which I asked for where he was on the weekend talk show talking about social security? yep. get that. This is Bernie Sanders and if you'll notice in the past like I don't know five days the Democrats have become aware that they sort of dropped the ball. they're very slow in responding to these things. their attacks on their response to inflation should have been we saw a little hint of it in the Warnock debate talking about corporate greed. So much of this has been about runaway corporate profits. they wouldn't do it. so they've been caught flat-footed on how to talk about inflation. when it became clear sometime in September that the response to Roe v Wade for whatever reason has been dying down. The repeal of Roe v Wade has been sort of like just digested by the body politic.

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