ICWA responds to KUOW'S Isolde Raftery

2 years ago

The presentation by an NPR reporter shown in this video was given on August 29, 2019 in Seattle, WA -- a few months before we were hit with COVID.

After that event, alarmed ICWA board members discussed that they had just witnessed the planting of seeds of some major vaccination propaganda to come that would include accusations of racism and violence. In hindsight, what ICWA thought were ripples turned out to be a tsunami.

Bernadette Pajer attempted to get a meeting with KUOW management to discuss concerns about Ms. Raftery's inaccurate presentation and was denied. This rebuttal video was then created.

Corrupt COVID policies entered the very fertile climate of misinformation and bias from legacy media. The silver lining of COVID is that media's capture and corruption have become visible to the masses.

This video is published under the Fair Use Doctrine. The entire presentation given by Isolde Raftery and recorded by WA state's TVW contained biased misinformation that demanded factual responses. Vaccines are liability-free for-profit products, mandated and promoted by the government. Without a fair and ethical press covering the subject, individuals are increasingly being stripped of medical, personal, and religious freedoms. While freedom of speech remains, we must all stand up, speak out, and demand the truth be heard.

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