Let Our People Go! - We Demand Twitter Bring Free Speech Back!

2 years ago

Elon Musk has taken over Twitter and is appointing a council to oversee reinstatements. Will this be a slippery slope back to censorship? Is this monetarily motivated? Elon, Flip the switch and bring back a semblance of respect to Twitter. We went years where opposing viewpoints were castigated to the sea of forgetfulness. Bring the freedom of words, speech, and opposing viewpoints back!

You don't have to agree with everything. I don't agree with a lot of things people say, but I respect their right to say them.

#freedom #rekietalaw #alexjones #projectveritas #trump #presidenttrumpnews #presidenttrump #elon #elonmusk #twitter #freespeech

Let Freedom Ring!

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