NUMN Edition - #10 Drugs, Bugs and Warner Pulls the Plug

2 years ago

All the clown world news that matters (but not to your mama) on Not Ur Mama's News! This week we cover:

Lone Skum the Chief Twit.
Long distance Ivermectin, get me Memphis Tennessee.
"That's All Folks!" Warner Brothers writes off billions' worth of content.
The Chinese eliminate vaccine hesitancy with one sick inspiration.

In between, other subjects appear as reliably as big budget woke show cancellations.

Justin and Ashley's Bonus Deeper Dive:
James Corbett's excellent and informative portrait of Elon Musk, technocratic huckster.

This Week’s News Challenge:
Look into the history of food company Mars and their connection with strange “food”; and what bug-ridden products can you find in your area?

Unknowns featured this week: Ashley, Justin, Jackye, Keel and Stella

News Item Links:
Tweet Revenge;
The Drugs Do Work in Tennessee;
Warner Brothers Goes Looney Tunes;
The Breath of Death.

Other Useful links:

Swipe Right Rehab — Jackye’s other podcast, co-hosted with her friend Gianna on the perils and pitfalls of online dating.
The Propaganda Report, with Brad Binkley and Monica Perez - our founding father and mother, and the hosts of great and informative podcasts.
The Union of the Unwanted — freewheeling discussions between an ever-changing group of like-minded podcasters; the inspiration for our format and name.

Please send us your take on this weeks news challenge, as well as your news items suggestions to:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email —;
Phone - 404-482-3130

Or just show your support by saying hello, by subscribing on your favourite podcasting platform, by leaving a great review; and of course by checking out the next extraordinary episode of Not Ur Mama's News.
(Just don't tell your mama.)

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