Illuminati abducting Rhesus Negative blood Westerners because Draco reptilian gene high copper blood

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (October 2022). The reason why the Illuminati NWO Draco avatar globalist elites are abducting Rhesus Negative blood Westerners is because the rhesus negative blood has Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens’ high copper blood content genes. It is called “Blood Prime” nephilim hybrid gene blood. Rhesus negative blood is not normal for physics and earth-based life biological life forms. They are called “blue blood” royals from ancient times, because they contain a high amount of blue copper in their blood. This is why they wear purple and scarlet as the Bible’s Book of Revelation says, because it stands for royalty, since blue Draco blood and red human blood mixes to make purple and scarlet. Human blood and genes are third dimensional and Draco blood and genes are fourth dimensional. It is a Draco DNA overwrite over the human DNA of that person. People like CIA child-trafficking ring Lt. Col. Michael Aquino are white royal Draco reptilian chimera fake alien spirits just like pedophile cannibal Satanist Jimmy Savile, but royal bloodline elites like the Atlantis high priestess pedophile cannibal Satanist New Age Wicca witch Hillary Clinton are hybrids between Pleiadian fallen angel spirits and Draco chimera spirits fused together. The “Genesis 3:15 seed of the serpent” Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens have copper-based blood which make their blood blue, instead of the red iron-based color blood of humans. The rhesus negative people are highly psychic, because the more copper you have in your blood, the more you are able to process oxygen, which makes you more psychic. If a rhesus negative blood mother has a rhesus positive human fetus in her womb, her body will recognize it as an enemy human baby and her antibodies will kill her own baby in the womb. Some of these rhesus negative Westerners will not thank you for the truth and give praise to God like human Christians do, but instead, a lot of them will look for doctors to deny the truth and lie to themselves and send vulgar vile hateful messages to you like some kind of violent reptilian Draco chimera would, accusing you of being a liar and evil, when you are speaking the truth in Jesus’ love while getting cooked every day by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & rooms and your family slaughtered and demons attacking you every day and your income cut off and assassins trying to shoot you in the head. This is why a lot of space fleet spaceship crews absolutely refuse to meet with Draco delegations, because they use dirty language and speak in vile vulgar condescending warlike reptilian ways and rip off the head of people they hate. The Dan Tribe and Edomite pagan Wicca witches were alien abducted and their souls stolen and their sperms eggs genes used to create the Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar globalist elites’ clone hybrid human avatar bodies through the generations, and they became the Spartans and Tuatha De Danaan and Nazi SS and Phoenician and Merovingian and other warlike people. Their descendants have the Anunnaki Draco reptilian chimera fake alien genes. The Illuminati Mormon Satanist church run by the Draco reptilian chimera fake alien avatar New Age Wicca witches were doing genealogical surveys to search for the rhesus negative Draco reptilian “blue bloods". The founder of the Draco reptilian chimera fake alien empire and rulers of earth is the “snake in the Garden of Eden” Anu of the Anunnaki, who was given a 4th dimensional snake and human hybrid body, as a reward for making Eve sin against God. Anu rules the earth from the underground Satanist headquarters Draco base underneath the Vatican. The Rothschild family’s Pindar earth managers’ leader reports to Anu once a year in the Vatican.

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