The Gun Collective Review of The MagCamWizard

2 years ago

The good people at @theguncollective did a short review of the MagCamWizard!

The Mag Cam Wizard Gunsmithing Tool is created for all of those who can't stand removing base plates and changing grip extensions on GLOCK magazines.

There are many ways to remove an accessory from a GLOCK with none of them being easy and safe for you or the magazine. I've used C-Clamps, Vice Grips, Vices, and Channel Locks. This process is super easy and is safe for you and your magazine. The Mag Cam Wizard comes with written instructions, and you can also see the video included in this listing.

It may take a few attempts but once you get It you won't be able to live washout it, It has now become my go-to tool for changing out base plates and magazines.

For more information about the MagCamWizard, visit:

- Watch "The Best Way to Keep Your Gun Safe - Holy Bible Leather Gun Case":

- Watch "How To Use The Micro Trigger Stop":

- Watch "How To Install Grip Extensions on GLOCK Magazines Using The MagCamWizard":

#gunsafety #ccw #garrisongrip

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