I Joined Alpha Phi Omega. This Is Why I Dropped Part 2

2 years ago

2022: As much as you care about a group of people. If they don't want your friendship, let them go, so you can attract people that really care.

Here's part 2.
Here's part 1: https://youtu.be/484BxZZHdJo

×I was asked the ally and what can I do question.

This is me answering honestly in 2 videos and an article.

“I Joined Alpha Phi Omega. This Is Why I Dropped.” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/5dX98ZjPy7

Whatever I missed definitely go here.

“I Joined Alpha Phi Omega. This Is Why I Dropped.” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/5dX98ZjPy7

1. We got so much more work to do for all to be equal. Some of my former apo bros can start by stop thinking that you're the only ones that can do things. You ain't the only one who likes the finer things in life.
2. Root for other's successes. I was told that sometimes successes make other people feel small and they don't stack up. This isn't a competition so. If I can root for you, why can't you show the same love in return?
3. No I didn't trust many of you, and still don't to a certain extent. But with several of you talking about me behind my back why should I?
4. Please stop taking it personally when I decide not to tell you something. Do you tell me everything about your life? I betcha you don't .
5. Jiren from Dragon Ball Super is my spirit animal. After being let down so many times he decides to fight for himself. Same. I watched APO brothers support each other but wasn't so quick to support me back. It just makes me a more self-reliant person. It's a doggy dog world out here.

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