Value Investing, with Tom / Ep 294

2 years ago

Whether it’s crypto, managed funds, bonds, shares, or property, it’s not about the tools – it’s about us. I trust you’re smart enough to know what you’re trying to build and why. Please do your own due diligence when consuming financial 'guidance' on social media.

Although investing in individual shares may appear to be speculative, like a giant ponzi scheme, or not really a legitimate investment unless you're playing with money you can afford to lose (unlike Crypto), we should really try to understand how to make good decisions in the share market.

The 'value' paradigm should cautiously be considered as a framework to assess whether a company should be a 'buy' and if so, at what price.

Please do your own research as usual, and remember, investing in publicly traded companies contains risk, and it may not be as transparent as other investments (unlike crypto).

Disclaimer: Some of the content in my show notes you shouldn't take too seriously.

Hope you enjoy this conversation with @Investing with Tom

Check out the video mentioned in this episode:

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