The Reincarnation Soul Trap and the White Light: An Update

1 year ago

Video by "Feathered Serpent" - UPDATE: DO NOT Go Into The White Light! | It's a Reincarnation Soul Trap

Original video:

Definition: Soul Spark - Scintilla Spinther. An image used by Meister Eckhart, actually a comprehensive concept of Inner Light and inner guidance within the framework of Western mysticism. Correspondences exist in Chinese philosophy, in Tibetan Buddhism, and under the heading of light and enlightenment in all religions. Also in alchemy scintilla vitae, and spinther in Gnosis, are equivalent to the "soul sparklet" of Meister Eckhart. Paracelsus describes the same phenomenon in his writings with the "lumen naturae". Already the variety and ubiquity of the "sparklet" points to a generally human experience basis in the sense of an archetype according to C. G. Jung.

Interpretation: "When man turns away from himself and from all created as far as you do, you will be united and blessed in the little spark in the soul, which touched neither time nor space." (Meister Eckehart, 1979, p. 315 / 316) "There is a power in the soul which splits off the grossest and is united with God: this is the little spark of the soul." (op. cit. p. 243). The spark of the soul symbolizes the power in man which unites his soul directly from its essence with God, the goal of all unio mystica. And of the spinther it is said in Gnosis " [...] that men, or at least some men, from the beginning carry in themselves a higher element, (the spinther), originating in the world of light, which enables them to rise above the world of the Seven into the upper world of light, of the unknown Father and the heavenly Mother."

There is also talk of the "very smallest spark" that "interferes and develops into an unlimited and unchanging force." (C. G. Jung, G. W. 9 / II, 344). The seemingly so tiny little soul is carrier of an immeasurable power and thus symbol of a corresponding energy in man and nature. One could almost recognize in it the energy of evolution in symbolic form. This thought, which frightens the conventional religion, goes beyond every frame, as a basic element of mysticism the little spark must be very suspicious, because it connects the human being directly with the eternal. In his studies of mandala symbolism, Jung concludes "that in the Western mandala, too, the scintilla, the spark of the soul, represents the innermost divine essence in man, signified by symbols which may just as well denote an image of God." (C. G. Jung, GW 9, II, 717). Jung devoted a chapter to the scintilla in Mysterium Coniunctionis, where he gave the context. (C. G. Jung, GW 14 / 1, 41 ff).

In his exposition of the "Fundamentals of Tibetan Mysticism," Lama Anagarika Govinda speaks of an inner light as the only possibility of guidance in the depth of our consciousness as well as of the "miracle of that inner light which slumbers in the depth of our consciousness." (Govinda, 1991, pp. 329 and 337). This light corresponds to the soul's fountain and gold flower.

"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap:

"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers:

"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:
Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper",-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9
Watch: - „The Templar Revelation“
!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!!

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