THE LETTER TO THE ROMANS Part 11: Water Baptism

2 years ago

John the Baptist introduced baptism by immersion to the Jewish people. Jesus approved of the practice and was also baptized; He did not baptize the new converts but turned it over to His disciples. Children were prayed for and blessed, but there is no record of infant baptism.

Some churches and denominations will even go so far as to claim it grants people membership. Jesus only spoke about water baptism once in the Great Commission. New believers were immersed in water, which symbolically represented Jesus' death and resurrection. It has nothing to do with salvation but represents the death we will experience and the newness of life that comes with the born again experience.

Being crucified with Christ means we should not continue to live in sin. We are freed from sin since we are dead in the flesh. By being dead to sin, we will live with Christ and be set free from the law of death. It is our hope that you will be able separate the truth from the lies regarding water baptism and correctly apply this command of Jesus in your life.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1582 -- JANUARY 15, 2017

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