How dangerous is obesity ?

2 years ago

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Recent studies show that the mortality rate in Covid-19 is 4.7 times higher in overweight people, even if that person is very young.

Causes of obesity

According to the US CDC definition, an overweight person is a person with a body mass index (BMI) higher than 25. And an obese person has a BMI over 30.

The main cause of overweight and obesity is an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Too much nutrients are provided but too little consumption leads to fat accumulation.

Research shows that obesity rates in women tend to be higher than in men.
Obese women are often found in the following subjects:

- People who have a habit of using fast food, high-energy food, eating less vegetables, drinking a lot of soft drinks

- Office workers, less travel, sedentary

- Postpartum women are also very prone to obesity and overweight

- Middle-aged women

- Women born into families with a tradition of obesity and overweight

The harmful effects of obesity

- Reduces the body's immune system, because obesity always makes the body in a state of chronic inflammation

- Osteoarthritis: People who are overweight or obese are prone to osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, chronic pain due to body weight putting pressure on bones and joints. Knee joints and spine are injured the earliest. Overweight and obese people are prone to gout.

- Cardiovascular disease: Obesity is often accompanied by high cholesterol, causing fibrosis of the blood vessels, leading to hypertension, stroke, and myocardial infarction. In obese people, the heart has to work harder to pump blood to feed the body and in the long run causes overload on the heart, so that in obese people, it is easy to have cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes: Obesity is closely associated with type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance

- Ease of gastrointestinal diseases: obesity causes excess fat to stick to the intestinal loops, causing stagnation of stools and constipation. The stagnation of feces and toxic wastes generated in the metabolism can lead to colon cancer. Meanwhile, excess fat accumulates in the liver causing fatty liver disease, if not treated promptly, it can lead to cirrhosis... Fatty metabolism disorder produces gallstones.

- Ease of respiratory disease: Obesity puts excess fat on the muscles, making the activity of the diaphragm and trachea of ​​obese people often limited, making breathing shallower. Obese people often have breathing disorders, snoring, sleep apnea.

- Obesity causes memory loss: Overweight and obese children often have lower IQs than children of normal weight. Obese adults have a higher risk of Alzheimer's than the general population

- Endocrine disorders: Obese women often have menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, difficulty getting pregnant, high risk of infertility. If the pregnancy is at risk of having a difficult delivery, the baby is prone to metabolic disorders. Obese men are often physiologically weak, at risk of infertility.

- Low self-esteem, prone to stress: Obese people often have fear in front of the crowd, which gradually leads to negative thinking, anxiety leading to stress and prolonged depression.

Increased risk of cancer: Some studies show an association between obesity and cancer such as esophageal cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, hepatobiliary cancer and prostate cancer. paralysis.

Thus, obesity is the leading cause of many dangerous diseases for the body. Statistics of the US CDC show that 40% of the US population is obese, 67-70% of Americans are overweight. That is 1 in 3 Americans is obese. This is one of the reasons why the death rate from Covid-19 among Americans is the highest in the world.

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