Scot Shorts #14 // Excerpt from NEW track "Tutankhamun"

2 years ago

This is an excerpt from my video Scot Plays #6, Recording Lead Guitars for "Tutankhamun"! I've started recording a new album which I'm going to call "Valley Of The Kings", as it's based on the kings, gods, religion and culture of ancient Egypt!

I've actually planned this album out a bit more than my usual "record a bunch of songs and make an album"! Really! So what I've done is decided on a 12-track album. I've written the first four songs. I have already programmed the drums, synthesizers, piano, organ...whatever is needed for these first four tracks. Then I've recorded all the bass parts for those four, and now I'm working on the guitars. The plan is to release one single from the first four tracks, then write the second four, do the same procedure, and release a single from the second group of four tracks, then repeat again for the third group. So 12 songs, three singles, one album!

As I've worked through these first four tracks, I've decided that the track named "Tutankhamun" would be the single from the first group of four. So I've recorded all the rhythm guitar parts, and wanted to share with you the recording process of at least some of the lead guitar parts for "Tutankhamun".

As with my last album, "The Olympians", the genre this time, again, is progressive rock/metal. The difference this time is, 1: I'm writing all the tracks myself and playing all the guitars and bass parts. 2: I'm trying to be much more melodic and not necessarily over-complicate the tracks. If a track is complex, difficult or heavy, well, it probably needs to be that, somewhat; but it's not the intention to make the tracks overly difficult or complex or heavy, it just goes with the genre that there will be SOME of those elements. Melody and harmonic intensity is the goal.

So in the first three-quarters of the video, I walk you through recording some of the leads. I show a couple screen shots of the melodies I'm playing, written out in MIDI notations. A couple of the solos are just shred, jam it, with nothing written out, but I'll tell you about those as we go and give you a bit of the logic behind what I'm trying to portray.

The last six minutes of the video are a production mixdown of the track, in it's complete form, with some video clips from Egypt and Egyptian culture; in other words, an included music video! This short includes an excerpt from this section of the video!

Mind you, this is not a final mix, or a very polished mix even, more of just balance things out, some basic panning and effects. But I think you'll get a VERY good idea of where this track and the entire album are going. The first four songs are very similar in style. We'll see what the next four, and the next four, bring!

I hope y'all enjoy Scot Shorts #14. I'm going to bring you more of these type videos, and I mean a LOT more, throughout the recording process of the album. Thanks for watching!

Gear Used:
1998 Ibanez RG 270 DX
Line 6 Spider V 60
Morley Steve Vai "Bad Horsie" wah pedal

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