Illustrating The Rapture and The Bride of Christ (PART 2)

2 years ago

Mike teaches today. 10/29/22


Principal statements…in illustrating the Rapture and the Bride of Christ.

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE RAPTURE’S AND FIRST RESURRECTION OUT FROM AMONG THE DEAD? Briefly stated it is the conclusion of God’s plan for a worthy competent government for this Realm; the heaven of this Realm being preeminent then starting there (thus the Raptures and First Resurrection catching up answers to the changing and fitting to dwell with Him in that higher and greater part of this Realm, where there by necessity is need for that more abundant kind of ‘Life’ (john14:2,3;10:10;1cor15:44) and to then Rule over its earth (psalms96:9-13).
Let the Christian with ears to hear and a heart to receive realize that it is not in ‘death’ or that which follows now that fits one for heavens but that is reserved for the First Resurrection or Rapture in the future. When we die we go where Jesus went when He died, to await Resurrection (as He did)…which will be either in the blessed First Resurrection (rev20:6;ex28:1,2 & rest of chapt) or that general great judgement for the rest of the dead 1000 years later (rev20:11).

To here state it simply; only those judged worthies (lk20:35a;phip3:11).
The entire purpose for the setting forth of the Scriptures, in its doctrines, by Jesus and His Apostles, is to promote holy living by those who are ‘saved,’ who will hear and strive to attain unto the great prize of the high calling (a more in depth Scriptural understanding is to be set forth in the next lesson).


AS noted before but now to be simply illustrated, according to specific Scripture the timing for the Rapture and First Resurrection is; ‘when the fullness of the Gentiles must come in’ (roms11:25) and the ‘times of the Gentiles’ ruling is forcefully put to an end (lk21:24;rev11:2,15).

In full accordance with these End Time events then Glorified Jesus, the High Priest, Who has been 2000 years in intercessory ministry as The High Priest, advocating for the members of His “Body” (Who cannot be Advocate and Judge at the same time,…so it understood that The Father is now the Judge john15:1;hebs12:7-10).
So in the fullness of these times, at the predicted 70th week of years of Daniels Vision is unsuspended, Jesus will leave the Throne of the Father in the Third Heaven (2cor12:2) and will come into the unseen first heaven associated with this World’s Realm. Where He will receive, at that Time, His investiture as King and Judge of this Realm; its heaven and earth, and oversee the Last Days judgments of God in this Realm (dan7:9 with rev4:1,2).

Jesus having received His Kingly investiture in the first heaven of this Realm, remains here now in this Realm for 1007 years. Manifest first in its heaven, where He will administer God’s Judgments for both this Realm’s sphere; its heaven and its earth, until the end of the 7 years, at which time His Second Coming Presence shall be manifest on the Earth, the other part of His Kingdom (and that at the great sound of a Trumpet; matt24:30b;1thess4:16;1cor15:52).
(The Last Trump in Scripture is described in Revelation 11:15-18 “And the seventh angel sounded (began to sound the ‘tekiah Gedolah’); and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign fore ever and ever…. (therefore before the ending of last trump,; all the following will have been completed ) (1) the nations were angry, (2) and thy wrath is come, (3) the time of the dead, that they should be judged, (4) and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints and them that fear thy name, small and great’ and (5) shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” All will be accomplished during the sounding of the 7th Trumpet toward the end of the 7 yr period.)

THE END TIME CLOCK OF 7 YEARS IN WHICH THE RAPTURES AND THE FIRST RESURRECTION OF THE BRIDE WILL OCCUR, BEGINS WITH…Isaiah 28:14-19 with Daniel 9:24-27 the last days rulers of Israel and the prince (the little horn of Daniel chapt 7) enter into a vain accursed 7 year protection agreement. This is the spiritual catalyst for Daniels 70th week of 7 years now to be unsuspended, the clock starts, it is the time-table that shall now finish this 6000 year Age.
Jesus Words in Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13 and Luke 21 are parallel Scriptures dealing with that specific 7 year Time just before His Return. Jesus speaking of the End Time events before is Return alludes to Daniel, which serves to confirm the prophetic word of Daniel as the end time timetable.
Jesus marked reference point in Matthew 24:15 is Daniel’s 12:11.
Daniel 9:27 declares that this abomination is ½ way through the 7 year agreement, when the Anti-Christ will stop…...

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