Within (2011) — Full Album (Contemporary Electronic)

2 years ago

Within is my favorite album project to date. Recorded in analog directly from the Yamaha DGX-500, it contains fantastic melodies while using unorthodox, yet very creative keyboard techniques. It has an old-school electronic feel which I miss from the late 80's and early 90's. Hope you enjoy it.

A key niche when composing music is using sounds based on either a personal experience, particular occurrence, or physical object. The focus is to create music which helps visualization from within one's being. Hence the title of this album.

All music on this album is composed and played by Yahunatan (Jonathan Raimer). Keyboards and programming by Yahunatan. Composed in 2011.

Website - Yahunatan.com

You are allowed to use this music in your projects, yet please give appropriate credit (the same as you would want to be treated). Thank you.

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