The day Putin put a target on his head - "Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi?"

2 years ago

Love him or loathe him, you can't deny that Vladimir Putin speaks his mind.

When he questioned the US and NATO in Libya and their previous forced regime changes in the name of fighting terrorism, Big Bad Vlad earned himself an even bigger target on his head.

Why are sovereign nations that are the only countries on Earth to resist Rothschild central baking being subjected to forced regime change?

What happened when Libya wanted to have a gold based currency? Gaddafi has to go.

What happened when Iraq wanted to sell oil for Euros instead of US Dollars? Saddam has to go.

What happens when anyone questions this, especially if they are on the list of targets? Well they've got to go, of course!

Bilderberg policy makers have been looking for a reason to be back in conflict with Russia again. Were they just looking for a reason, or did Putin really stick his neck out too far for the "Western" globalists?

Monroe Doctrine states Russia can never challenge US superiority.

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