2022-10-23, GESARA SHOW 064 - Sunday

2 years ago

October 23, 2022, The GESARA Show 064
Duration: 2:06:53

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

This is the 64th episode of the GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

Due to time constraints, the index only covers major topics and will be updated, later.

Peter has been working on a new website to showcase the GESARA Show and provide a platform to book appointments for the UCC1-308 filing process.

During the Q&A, one viewer stated that they do not have a Credit/Debit card due to financial issues. The recommendation was to get a Revolut account (available in most countries of the world). Peter has such an account and you can sign up with his referral code: https://bit.ly/3sAue0b

Another member had problems with a censored internet. This can be solved with a SmartDNS service. Peter uses https://smartdnsproxy.com

The bonus video shows a news clip about the change of government in the UK from DW News.

0:00:00 Intro-Section
0:00:17 Big Trump rally in Robstown, Texas last night
0:01:15 Charlie said QFS went live
0:01:53 Air Force One flew over the rally?
0:04:53 Ukraine is one big false flag
0:09:23 Charlie was in Pennsylvania for a truth tour
0:10:34 Over 7,000 at the tour 
0:11:22 No midterms?
0:23:42 The Chinese Communist Party is collapsing
0:27:33 Demonstration of new website: gesara-show.com
0:39:59 News and Intel
1:06:38 Q&A Section
1:07:00 Q&A: Kirsten, Trump Rally - Fake Trump?
1:14:44 Q&A: Darren, Has a BS-Meter, Likes Q&A, Nuclear scare event?
1:22:35 Q&A: Richard, wants Billy's email address.
1:23:41 Q&A: Derek, Does not believe in nuclear weapons oe scare tactics.
1:29:05 Q&A: Jacint, Preparing for UCC appointment.
1:31:43 Recommending Revolut Bank with Peter's referral code
1:33:24 Q&A: Dale, Linux Ubuntu filing problems
1:35:54 Q&A: Norma, Cannot join Telegram Magna Carta group due to ban.
1:39:31 Q&A: Watching the show and forum in foreign languages?
1:42:41 Q&A: Louisa, Website for purchasing Zim?
1:43:58 Q&A: Louisa, Website for avoiding censorship. Use smartdnsproxy.com
1:48:13 PayPal privacy policy, taking money off account for wrong speech rumour?
1:48:59 Q&A: Donna 2, Using Nukes against Putin will destroy the world.
1:50:54 Q&A: Michael, Rods of God high energy weapons. Satanic Sites.
1:52:55 Q&A: Med-Beds will make us all about 30? No old people?
1:55:45 Final Thoughts: Hardly a free moment.
1:57:04 Barbara's Mother's Birthday
1:58:37 Good Byes…
1:59:21 Bonus: DW News on change of PM in UK (incl. interview with Peter's cousin in Stains).
2:06:48 End.


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