Your Level of Determination Will Define Your Destiny In Life

2 years ago

I want to tell you that your level of determination will define your true destiny in life, once you realize that and not quit you will achieve success!


Would you consider yourself a determined person? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being a quitter and 10 being the type of person who doesn't quit and could survive HELL WEEK, what number would you give yourself?

Most people will say "7" and 7 is an average rating when people are given a 1-10 option. So if the average asshat is determined at 7, you gotta be a 9 or 10 to rise above.

Your level of determination is what defines whether you hit your goals or not, many people just say what they want but they are not determined, I have learned to that you need to be determined to have everything you want in life, and determined to work for your destination.

Always be determined to be at the next level, my destination is not where I am at right now but it's where I am going, the best way to do this is by being grateful for what we have right now, and be determined to get what you want, because determination defines your destination.

Most people will say they are determined, but the second adversity shows up, they quit like a lil bitch.

This video goes into greater detail about why you must adopt a determined mindset and refuse to quit no matter what.

So appreciate what you have but don’t stop pursuing what you want..

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