Heal | Meditation Music For Spiritual Emotional And Physical Healing | Positive Vibration Frequency

2 years ago

Cleanse and heal yourself physically and emotionally with this hour long meditation music. It features opening and closing OM chants and the Tibetan healing bowls.

The mantra OM (Aum) represents the substratum of creative sound that sustains the Universe. Just as the Big Bang Theory of modern physics teaches that the entire Universe arises from a single timeless, spaceless point, the Vedas (ancient Hindu scriptures) teach that the Universe arises from a single sound. This primal, cosmic sound is the mantra OM.At a spiritual level, OM serves to open and clear the mind for meditation and attunes us with our Real Nature, revealing the Supreme Freedom that we are. It brings about an ascension and expansion of energy. OM allows us to harmonize with the forces of the Universe externally and with our own nature internally. It attunes us to Cosmic Consciousness and the sacred vibratory patterns that arise from it.

A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties.

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Ohm Namashivaya chant By Vinod is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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#MeditationMusic #PositiveHealing #PositiveHealingFrequency #Soothing #relaxingmusic, #relax, #soothingrelaxation, #music, #sleep #Meditation #Chill #Vibes #Sonic #Peaceful #Peace #Relax #Relaxation #Driven #MeditationMusic #SleepMusic #MusicRelax #FeelGood #WhiteNoise #Binaural #ChakraMeditation #Violin #Rain #Rainforest #Lullabye

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