Mark Passio & Sethikus Boza - Return of the Dragons of Wisdom - Part 1 - April 30, 2018

2 years ago

Return of the Dragons of Wisdom - part 1 (2018)

Black Earth Productions unveils a unique blend of ancient metaphysical; transformational wisdom in proper knowledge attributed to the ancient arts of gnosis; cosmic law; alchemy; and other occult art and sciences in terms of the Universal Laws of Metaphysics and the Eternal Axioms; and what some would term as Planetary High Magick; with all of this through process integration of your own soul code genetics you are then positioned to potentially move through the process of integrating the Original Template of consciousness; this essentially is an even more ancient occult science that has not been available on this planet until recently as it's been; and brings all of the concepts of the true sacred arts back into their true holistic and organic practice before they were hijacked and thrown on the inverse in all the ways they have; twisted and limited thousands of years ago now.., All that is cultivated within the gridworks of the reality fields in our Universe on a multidimensional level has potential to manifest into the physical.., as above.., so below.., as with.., as without.., for as men and women think into their hearts; so they will be; it is all about our State of Mind; and to the "war on consciousness" in this reality field that has been taking place to keep you and humanity enslaved and ignorant of what gridworks they are linked up to via their gentics; it is to be well aware of that but making what is beyond it all; Focus; aside the true intelligence of the heart vortex which is the direct gate to the highest; but to discover what you are truly connected to via your genetics; and how to truly face and overcome these things within yourselves; breaking the chains of slavery and manifesting a reality that is holistic and in alignment with highest gridworks that exist beyond what is called the Astral Barrier; this has been one of the major goals; to bridge the worlds again. Know that you will face impediments upon entering the gates of the Black Earth; but what is taught is designed to move you through and bring you back to your true self; self mastery and your true potential which is in alignment with your core essence. Black Earth Productions presents proper knowledge; and skill sets that you can apply directly to you every day practical life; and through direct counseling in terms of Initiation; and other services that are provided.., this is here to assist you in this process with One on One Mentorship. As a transformational psychologist; I have had a very high success rate with many that have actually been willing to embrace this process; Know thy enemy; and even more; know thyself; and you will know the universe; what reality truly is; and you will come to know the force and power in co-creation with your soul code genetics which is kreator-source; all is within you; hope to hear from you soon!!

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Part 2:

Part 3:

Mark Passio - What on Earth is Happening

Sethikus Boza - Black Earth Productions

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