Red America First 10-19-22 meeting with Stephanie Holderfeild & Rachel Leah-Hudson

2 years ago

CCDF-USA is an organization that provides the tools and support needed to empower citizens to defend their freedom and liberty, and place local government back into the hands of the people. As patriots have done throughout America’s history, CCDF-USA intends to support and champion American citizens whose freedom and liberty have been breached.

Our values are based upon both the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God as written in the Declaration of Independence. We focus our efforts locally on public and private organizations to ensure compliance with the principles of freedom and liberty, which are endowed by our Creator and guaranteed by America’s founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, US Constitution, and Federalist Papers).

We do this through a process which involves uncovering breaches of freedom and liberty, researching and vetting origins and solutions to breaches, presenting our findings and recommended solutions to the officials involved, then working through multiple avenues to bring an organization or official back in compliance with America’s founding principles and values.

Get to Know Rachel
My name is Rachel Leal-Hudson, and I am a court-appointed advocate. I am also a member of the Family Law and Child Protection Law sections of the Texas State Bar. I primarily represent children in family law cases and do my best to ensure that they have a voice and their best interest is served. Hard work is something I value, and so once I decide to help a child in need, I won’t stop.

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