What actually imposes an existential threat to humanity, the climate or our leaders?

2 years ago

When virtue signalling utopians are leaving the dispossessed and marginalized to face unspeakable suffering due to their unworkable energy policies a thinking and caring person must ask, what actually imposes an existential threat to humanity?

In an article entitled, “Eco-extremists are leading the world towards despair, poverty, and starvation: Utopian solutions for saving the planet are doomed to failure - and worse. We must wake up before it is too late” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/28/eco-extremists-leading-world-towards-despair-poverty-starvation/ Dr. Jordan B. Peterson makes his case that “This winter, millions of British citizens, including children, will be tipped, or dumped, into energy poverty severe enough to risk permanent damage to their health. Cold, damp houses provide the perfect breeding ground for mould that not only causes respiratory distress, but renders houses essentially unlivable once established....”

Never in the history of mankind have the leaders of the Western world marched so blindly in lockstep while pursuing climate goals which are totally unfounded in the Laws of Nature. The very laws which the scientific method tells us governs thermodynamics. Given the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that there are inevitable biproducts of the conversion of matter into energy, our leaders are pursuing is an unscientific dream. Moreover, why do so few among us question their reasoning? How has humanity come to trust them so blindly, particularly since their COVID policies have done far more damage to public health, education, social well-being, and the economy than their attempts to mitigate the virus proved to be effective?
I have the following three thoughts on that matter. Why blind obedience and cowardice are synonymous:
i): If maintaining your commitment to freedom against tyranny and the lies upon which tyranny is founded hasn't cost you dearly then you're living a lie.
ii): Any attempt to defray or avoid the consequences of standing up for the truth is nothing other than cowardice.
iii): If you are unwilling to risk causing offense to people living in a delusion then you're participating in that delusion.


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