29 10 2022 - Melbourne Freedom Rally - Part 8 of 11

2 years ago

Marching along Elgin Street to Lygon Street.
March down Lygon Street.

Stand at University Street & Lygon Street intersection.
Speech about a world wide operation and a coming golden age.
Speech about NSW health minister resigned.
Speech about the jab jab and how New York supreme court decision to reinstate sacked workers with back pay for those who were sacked for not accepting the deadly injections.
Speech asking why the chinese big wig was arrested in china.

Speech about health crises because 6,500 health workers in victoria lost their jobs because they did not want to partake in the deadly lethal injection, and not wanting to give their patients a deadly injections.
Speech about children and older people are dying due to blackmail to receive a deadly lethal injections.
It can be looked up at "Jab Injuries Australia"
These injuries are permanent life long injuries. Courts full of C19 cases.
Speech about the evil persecution against humanity for not taking a deadly poison which would either kill them or cause severe permanently life long painful injuries for which there is no cure.

Criminal On Patrol called out to protesters on the road to not march on the road while that Criminal On Patrol and other Criminals On Patrol along with many other Freedom Rally people were also marching on the same road in the same area at the same time, even though a Criminal On Patrol about 300 meters up the road was blocking all traffic from entering the road that everyone was marching on. Of course this dufas was totally ignored and nobody paid attention to its ridiculous remarks.

March down Lygon Street to Pelhams Street.

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