The (un)Holiest Hip Hop Mix of Biblical Proportions ((432Hz))

2 years ago

One of the most sacrilegious mixtapes you'll ever hear- Get ready to confess..
For me, religion is division, superstition, head cages, limited hangouts.. there's a great quote that goes "don't let religion get in the way of your relationship with god, or creation, or nature. Yes of course there are some valuable teachings in most religions- they have to, otherwise who would follow it right?

in god we trust printed on the dollar bill, f'real? money is a lot of people's true god and what they worship on their lil warships.. not pursuing real money- mon-eye (first eye/3rd eye) = spiritual wealth
new age movement? new (c)age religion
belief in authority like government? religion
One of the biggest aspects to these religious psychological operations is "savior programming" leading people to be passive, not take a stand into their full potential, be the christ consciousness everyone's been waiting for since 2,022 years.. or just piss off this life and bide your crusty time for the afterlife in heaven or somehow magically ascend to 5D (cuz new agers are too cool for 4D skool).. What are we doing to create heaven on earth in this lifetime? Anchor in the higher dimensional frequencies thru ourselves and thus raise the vibration of the whole earth?

where are people's true sense of streetwise spirituality? cultivating their sacred temples within themselves,

what about those Tolerate & Co-exist bumper stickers? aren't those cute?? they're very creative i must say, but for me when i see that, it's like the dude in "They Live" wearing the glasses that sees thru the bs, I read "Tolerate head-cage programming" & "Co-exist in ignorance".. It's a good intention to respect people's beliefs, but why is it so bad or even dogmatic to challenge people's belief's, especially if it's accociated to a group who's caused harm or done immoral acts in the name of whatever they subscribe to.

Something to state firmly about Paganism- it has been grossly misappropriated and bastardized since the genocide campaigns of the ancient Druids & Celts, one significant one led by St. Patrick, who is misrepresented as someone to celebrate every 17th of March. Paganism then somehow got equated to satanism, which is the inverted distortion to the original spirituality of Paganism which is aligned to Animism & Natural Law. So with that said, some of the references of Paganism in this mix are not accurate due to the vast misunderstanding of this ancient way of life- i don't really consider it a religion actually

I could've stretched this mix out to 4hrs to be honest since there's so much to cover and many song references. Ever seen Zeitgeist? it ain't all true, but it does clue people into astrotheology the 3 signs of worship: sun (christian), moon (muslim), & star (of david- judaism).

I know opinions piss people off and beliefs get people killed, but belief is the adversary of knowledge.. look up the etymology of adversary, religion, government, spirit..


Chùrch Crackers - People Under The Stairs, De La Sol & Bas-1
Occult Politics - Jewelz Hunter
Warships - El*A*Kwents
Migratenation - Soul Of Society
Helps Us All - Aceyalone &
World Keeps Changing - Bay Area Art Collective
The Truth About Christianity - Labtekwon
Holy Shit (Gregorian Monkey Remix) - Orakull x Chanting Monks
When Everything Burns/In Vain - Montags Dust x Sethikus Boza
The Real Holy Place - BDP
Preacher Skit 33° - Bas-1
One-Two - Sunspot Jonz
Poisonous Products - BDP
Clash of Interest - Opoetik
Esoteric Agenda - Jewels Hunter x ??
White Night Riot - Shotgun Wedding Quintet
Mental Offerings - Kaotic Souls x Maxwell Jordan & Mark Passio
Trinity Lost - Pep Love
Stabbed By The Steeple - Blood of Abraham
Preacher Porkchop - KMD
The Sacriligious Snippet Session - Various (long verses by Talib Kweli, Locksmith, Doc Maxwell
Lost Souls - Bmac Mastamind
When I Go To Heaven - Ice Cube
Jesus Piece - NerCity
4th Quarter - Free Throws - KRS-One
Question Everything - Per Aa Ra
Kite Skeleton Verse - Scarub
Grouch's Prayer - The Grouch
Wizdom vs ism - Gangstarr
T.O.J. - El-P x Sethikus Boza, George Carlin, various
Intake - Logic
Why Your Prayers Don't Work - Bobby Hemmit x Goodie Mob
Overstand - Thievery Corporation
Who Created God - Logic (UK)
Confession of 3 Men - Dose One, Doc Maxwell, Shing02 & Kirby Dominant
High Level - KRS-One
Higher Powers (verse) - Nomadik Mind Travlers
New Religion (snippet) Pep Love
Interlude - Macklemore
Refrain - Bay Area Art Collective
Lords Prayer - Lords of The Underground
I Will Make It (snippet) - KRS-One
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (B.I.B.L.E.) - Killah Priest & 4th Disciple
Riding Water Over Time - Eligh x Mark Passio, Sethikus Boza & Max Igan
Podina - MF Doom x Mark Passio & Manly P Hall
Da Sermon - Lord Finess

Arranged, mixed & produced in 432Hz on Oct. 27th, 2022 in The Bay Area by Derek Bartolacelli aka AwakenYaMind


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