Why is healthy eating labelled as “dieting”?

2 years ago

In todays society, eating healthily is demonised. If someone wants to go back to eating the natural way, organic, non GMO etc, it’s seen as “going on a diet”. People who eat junk food, drink carbonated sugary drinks, eat deep fried snacks, are all seen as normal ?

When will be start to normalise eating healthily. When will the bots wake up and realise what is actually going on around us, and that something needs to change. If things don’t change, and continue the way they are, then our population will keep worsening.

Obesity, disease, health disorders etc are all a direct result of the lifestyle we live. Some people believe it’s genetic, and others believe it is caused by the things you eat, the things you drink, the ”cosmetics” you run into your skin on a daily basis. But regardless of what we think, we cannot deny the fact that eating healthily makes us feel better, makes us perform better in any form of human endeavour. It increases our testosterone (in males), and overall prevents us from getting sick. Eating & living a healthy lifestyle maintains our wellbeing.

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