Does God Care About You? - October 30, 2022

2 years ago

Much of what we read in the books of the Old Testament prophets tells of the negative consequences that will come upon Israel, Judah and other nations for their sinful disobedience to God. The prophet Isaiah is no exception. However, mingled with the message of coming judgment is the message of hope for those who turn back to God. Isaiah 40 is one of these messages of hope for those who will return to God in repentance and faith. I encourage you to read the entire chapter, but today we are going to focus on the final verses of this chapter.

Here are the Bible passages that were used in the preparation of this message:
2 Chronicles 20:12
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Isaiah 30:15; 40:27-31
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

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