Final Fantasy Tactics Dissidia MOD - Mount Hobbs - New Recruit Joins!

2 years ago

We have a new recruit joining! I failed epically in this battle. Probably won't nerf it though.

Also from the FB page:
I was asked a while back if I needed help with anything, and I've been thinking as to what could be done. There are a few things that would help speed up the process. Location descriptions, ability quote (currently I want to translate quotes from opera omnia), brave/faith high/low quotes, and dismiss quotes. Also, if anyone has any idea's let me know. Any help would be apricated, and I'll give credit. You can either reply in the comments or PM me.

Lightning - thebill11
Shadow - Master Grand, Lijj
Tifa - Twinees
Dark Knight - CidIII, Mando
Ashe - Yuna
Generic White Mage (Refia) - Lijj, Color edits by me
Deis (Maria) - Zozma
Locke - Bloodthirster0
Firion - Spite: Unknown, Portrait: KazeKasano
Lulu - megef2010
Wolf Knight - Sprite: Wolfran, Portrait: Lijj
Beatrix - Zozma
Generic Male Black Mage (Black Waltz) - Lijj
Lamia - Kagebunji, Twinees
Moogle - Unknown
Gilgamesh - Conman
Vincent - Twinnes
Reno - Seushiro
Exdeath - Unknown
Yuffie - Mando
Squall - Seushrio

Expanded Roster Hack - Glain

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