The Power Of MSM. Covid19, Lockdowns, Vaccination etc

2 years ago

"- Look what they've done to us.
Such a sad part of humanity.
Turn it off so we can heal our minds and souls."

If msm had done their job, we would never have had this tragic part of history.

The Covid19 "pandemic" had never been as dire as the MSM led us to believe.

00:00 - Intro
00:38 - Demonstration around the world, doctors, nurses etc.(Thanks to @BananaMedia for vid)
--- “Dr Evil” representing MSM here, suitable but sadly.
03:50 - Bill Gates admit, says it was like a flu. That mostly effects the elderly.
07:19 - Anders Tegnell defend no lockdowns, says its more dangerous to cross the street.
08:25 - Ron Jonsson - Its like a hard flu.
08:50 - Jim Breuer about Dr. Birx admitted that she knew vaccines were not as good as they claimed.
10:15 - Joseph Lapado - How can you force a vaccine that doesn’t work.
10:50 - Agnes Wold admit and trying to explain the use of covid passport that doesn't work.
12:15 - Jim Breuer stand up - "6 foot safe, 5-foot danger".
13:00 - All lies about the vaccines, "won't get infected or spread it".
15:50 - BBC acknowledges their policy of censoring and not interviewing or broadcast all demonstrations, etc.
18:05 - Dr Birx admit in a hearing they just hoped the vaccine worked.
18:50 - Matti Sällberg lies about the vaccine.
19:15 - Christine Anderson in EU about Pfizer gigantic lie "The Speed Of Science".
21:21 - N.Y. get their job back, supreme court: Vaccine doesn't prevent transmitting covid19.
22:40 - Official apology from Danielle Smith in Alberta, Canada.
24:10 - N.Y. Fireman in the council about he lost his job.
25:50 - Del Bigtree, again those who lied about the vaccine.
Those in CDC who added this vaccine to the childhood schedule.
29:00 - Ivermectin The Truth, by Mikki Willis.
- WHO, Andrew Hill denied it.
- 40:40 - Dr Paul Marik had to see people die as he was not allowed to use medicine that worked.
- 41:20 - Vitamin-D.
- 44:20 - Aseem Malhotra about Pfizer the largest healthcare fraud company in the history.
- 51:00 - Pfizers forms the world. Advertising and humiliation from media and celebrities.
01:01:20 - Blogger Kaitie Less from Australia. We are wasting our life!
01:02:20 - Maureen 83 from UK, “I don’t give a sod!”
01:03:20 - Sidney Watson from Australia. I will never forget what government did.
01:09:00 - Del Bigtree – Big Pharma owns the media!
01:10:15 - Simone Gold – SARS, HCQ Study from 2005, by NHI, Dr Fauci.
01:13:55 - Outro

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