Plants vs Zombies 2 - Epic Quest - Core Plant Showcase - Puffball- October 2022

2 years ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the Seedium plants Puffball and was offered between between October 19, 2022 and November 2, 2022. These levels focus on the plant of the week - Puffball - showcasing the possibilities of this plant.

Puffball is a member of the Ail-Mint family.
Costs 150 Sun. (125 at level 2, 100 at level 3 and 75 at level 7)
Explodes when planted. Explosion stuns zombies for 3 seconds. (+0.5 sec per level)
Explosion poisons zombies dealing 50 armor-ignoring damage per second. (+25 per level.)
Explosion affects three (3) entire columns.
Zombies affected by Puffball's poison stay poisoned and this poison can stack.

An instant plant which poisons zombies? What's not to like?

Bottom Line:
Poison is an under-used mechanic in many games. The poison is too weak or the duration is too short compared to the cost of other similar items. Fire tends to get a lot of love in games making it almost a must pick.

Puffball however is an amazing plant. Affects all zombies in 15 tiles and only a few select zombies are immune to poison. Which is fine. A plant which can eventually take down a Gargantuar without any help is definitely keeping on a short list of plants to select. Penny's Pursuit and Endless zones make great places to utilize this plant.

00:00 Level 1
03:06 Level 2
05:58 Level 3
08:01 Level 4
10:26 Level 5

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