The Bride of Christ in the Last Days - 6 - The Bridegroom's Pledge to His Bride

2 years ago

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In the last few videos we began digging into the Scriptural story of the Bride of Christ. In this video, we dive into Jewish custom of the bridegroom's pledge to his bride as he leaves her for the Betrothal Period to return to his father's home where he will prepare a place for them to start their life together. This pledge was to be a "proof" of his faithfulness and the value he places on his wife. It is also a promise that he will return for her and a "first-installment" of things to come for her in their marriage.

In Scripture we find all this represented beautifully through Christ's pledge to His Church. This pledge is the Holy Spirit, which He gave to the Church after He left Her to return to His Father in Heaven to prepare a place for the Church. Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit seals us in Christ. It is a "first installment" of the glory to come and a promise that Jesus will return for His Church.

Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to His Church before leaving her to return to His Father's Kingdom, where He is preparing a place for her to be with Him. It is a promise that He will return. Let's examine God's wonderful Word together as we face these last days before Jesus' return for His Church. Amen!

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