Gambang Suling Guitar Solo Cover by ALIP_BA_TA | July 97

2 years ago

The subject in between the phenomenal Ki Narto Sabda war is Gambang Suling.
In the Gedung Ki Narto Sabdo, Taman Budaya Raden Saleh (TBRS) building, Tembang is described as a kekaguman for the sake of music.
This kind of therapy was administered by Walikota Semarang Soetrisno Soeharto on July 27, 1998.
Alip_ba_ta has a tendency to cover up in spite of everything.The Gambang Suling Guitar Solo Cover is frequently mentioned in the video reaction by you.
Gambang Suling guitar Solo Cover has a phenomenal effect on both national and international audiences.
The Indonesian Gambang Suling Guitar Solo Cover by Alip Ba Ta is featured in this video, so you might want to watch it.

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