What's a deep, dark rabbithole to research when bored? #darksecrets #research #scientific

1 year ago

What's a deep, dark rabbithole to research when bored?
Cryptozoology. Its interesting to say the least but there are so many things that make you question what is out there in the world that we haven’t discovered yet. When I first got into it I thought cryptids were more like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster but there are hundreds or even thousands of other weird and unusual sightings of creatures many haven’t even heard of.
The 'saved' section of your reddit user profile. I've saved so much shit and then promptly forgot about it.. Just like I'm going to do with this thread.
When I worked at a call Centre we often had quiet times and the internet blocked most things [unusual wiki articles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Unusual_articles) kept me entertained for quite some time though, it’s full of random strange things
Feral children.
The history of bananas
Money laundering and how laundered money flows around the world. Most info is public from gov agencies like the CIA and State Department.
The history of lobotomies and cannibalism. I have spent more time researching these topics than the time taken to write a 90 page essay. Super fascinating if you don't get grossed out.
The domino effect that led up to World War One and then later word war two. It’s interesting to learn about but it’s just a clusterflock of easily preventable situations.
Rabies. You don't quite realize how horrifying it is.
Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade balloon accidents
Binge-watching "Mayday" (the series about plane crashes) and looking up each incident on Google/Wiki afterwards.
Money laundering through Counter Strike Global Offensive weapon skins. You can track all the expensive items ($1000-$15.000+) in botted inventories and trace all the trade histories. There are about 20 accounts (that have each $500.000-$1.2m inventory value) all tracing back to one person, for example.
Sleep paralysis audio / visual hallucinations across cultures throughout history. It’s disturbing.
I recently watched Chernobyl, so I've been looking into radiation poisoning, what it does to people, and why it happens in the first place. gets pretty dark pretty fast. just reading about how nuclear power works in general is very interesting, but quickly starts to go over my head
the wikipedia page on human-made disasters is fascinating and horrifying. it’s crazy to see how quickly a normal day can turn into a tragedy.
The times where we have gotten close to extinction. There was a false report from a Russian radar thingy and they thought that nukes were coming to them from America, if it wasn’t for one person Nuclear Armageddon would’ve happened because of a software glitch (Another good one is how some horrible stuff like cannibalism is legal in certain scenarios)
Mt. Everest is a pretty flocked up subject
How much does Blackwater actually own in actual companies and politicians through Citizen’s United ?
Abandoned theme parks and malls. There is something so creepy about it. It's like going back into time at one of thos places. Yesterworld, Defunctland and Bright Sun Films are great places to watch stuff.
Religious cults. There’s so many documentaries out there literally WEEKS of entertainment. I spent like a solid month a year or two ago watching documentaries/YouTube videos about the Mormon Church. There’s a crap ton of videos and articles about the various Christian fundie groups *cough cough CULTS* and once you get deep into the rabbit hole it’s honestly scary. Like straight up sinister.
TVTropes - Sure, it doesn't seem deep or dark, until you look up at the clock and wonder where the last ten freaking hours just went.
Things about the universe. It's overwhelming, you get kind of a tremendous existential angst but somehow you can't stop.
Cryptids in the Congo. If I ever get rich I’m gonna bring 100 people to explore it with amazing cameras and deagles and see what is discovered.
Fermi paradox
The NASA missions that were in the works after Apollo 11. They had plans for mars and beyond, but due to funding cuts had to scrap it all.
NDEs (near death experiences). It's a spectacularly bizzare phenomenon. Some crazy esotericism that cannot be explained by medical science.
The mystery of Spring Heeled Jack
Japanese experiments during WW2
Consciousness and what it is and who are you, anyway?
The Troubles is an endless wikipedia wormhole of hyperlinking. A fascinating yet strange examination of retaliation spiraling out of control over some of the most trivial "differences" between fellow people.
What happened to the Norse settlement in Greenland (after Homo sapiens left the African continent and migrated East and West, the reunion of

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