Get ready for months of redoing things in your life!

2 years ago

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So Mars technically went retrograde on the last day of last month, but boy are we feeling it now! Mars goes retrograde about once every two years, so that’s less frequent than Mercury who goes retro about 3 times per year. Mars represents your actions, and when a planet moves backwards in the sky, it’s a time of reversing what the planet means. So expect having to ‘re do’ lots of stuff over the next several month. In the sign of Gemini - which rules communication, learning and travel - expect to have to take back your words, relearn or rewrite things, and travel may be a big pain in the butt - especially your commute.

Ok, so this eclipse is going to be in doozy. It starts off in the peaceful sign of Taurus, but don’t let that fool you. This is a contentious and dramatic lunation! Mars - the planet of pissy - is retrograde and not following any rules! Uranus - the planet of surprises and sudden ups and downs - is on this eclipse in the same degree. This eclipse is happening on the US Midterm elections, and it begins at 6 AM and shines right on our dang capitol! This is ominous as hell. Big surprises are coming this way, expect feisty vibes, and no one is gonna want to follow the rules! So expect the unexpected in the weeks leading up to and after this bananas eclipse!

#astrologybasics #astrologyforbeginners #astrologer

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