Pong - Full Tutorial | Python | Pygame Module | Programming Beginners

2 years ago

Here is the full tutorial the Pong game in Python, using Pygame

I had some fun whilst making this project. Had a real facepalm moment when I started overthinking how the paddle and the ball connect, but eventually the light shone brightly at the end of the tunnel.


#Python #pythonprogramming #pygame #Pong #pythontutorial #pythonforbeginners #pythontutorial #python3 #code

00:00 Intro
04:54 Starting Functions
08:02 Create Paddle Objects
15:05 Moving Paddles
22:54 Create Ball Object
27:52 Move Ball
30:33 Check Collisions at Xaxis
37:34 Check for collisions at Yaxis - top
44:38 Check for collisions at Yaxis - bottom
47:56 Check Y collisions with screen borders
49:49 Update Score Reset round

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