2 years ago

Shared on Oct.15/2021

Written Transcript, https://444prophecynews.com/a-word-for-america-my-hiding-place/


Dear brothers and sisters,
I come to you with all fear and trembling of the Lord to deliver a Rhema word I received yesterday morning, Oct. 14/2021. I ask that you take this to the Lord urgently in prayer for confirmation and intercession.

The tone of the following message was like a plea. I could feel anguish in the Lord’s voice.

“America, once a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, you served me faithfully. What has become of you? Repent, therefore, and start doing the deeds you did at first. The voice of the Lord has spoken. You shall travail on a bed of thorns along with all the kings who sought your demise. You shall labour in vain for thy God you did not worship. Alas, the day has come for you to reap your vile fruit. Arise and see what the Lord will do on this day. Great will be your torment, great your pain and sorrow for you have forsaken the laws of the Lord thy God. Prepare to meet your fate. The voice of the Lord has spoken. “

Then I heard a scream, like a wailing. Then the Lord continued:

“Then write, my pain is so great, immeasurable. How long have I desired to gather you like a hen gathers her chicks but you wanted no part of this. Now suffer you shall for all your abominations in thine heart. Repent. Cry out to me! Abandon your wicked ways. Return to me, your first love. Only I can satisfy you. Come to me and drink of my cup that overflows and never runs dry. Spend time with me, your Heavenly Father. Only I can satisfy. Hunger for me. Thirst for me. Come to my river and be quenched. I want none to perish. Come to me, my children. I love you greatly and great is my distress. The clock is ticking. It’s almost midnight.”

Scripture given: 2 Kings 17

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