Jesus explains the Secret of a Man's Self-Development ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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Chapter 74 & 75 - The great Secret of a Man's Self-development!

Revealed from Jesus Christ by the inner Word thru Jacob Lorber

Introductory information
The Lord awakens the boy Josoe, who has been dead for one and a half years in a vault. Under the eyes of some Romans, the body, rotting to the bones, begins to fill and after a short time a perfectly healthy boy emerged from the coffin.

This gruesome incident opened the eyes of the encouraged Gentiles regarding the divinity of Jesus even more. However, it was not meant for the disciples who had to be strong to fight against their curiosity. Ultimately, each of them accepted the fact to not having to know everything ahead of time - with the exception of Judas Iscariot ...

Chapter 74 - Judas and Thomas argue

1. With this remark all disciples are satisfied and praise My goodness and wisdom and the power of God which dwells in Me, except for Judas who grumbled and said in a quite audible tone to himself: - Against the Pharisees who secretly allow the foreigners to see the Holiest of Holy for money, He protests with sulfur rain from heaven; but if He shows to foreigners His own sanctuary and excludes us native children, then this is completely according to divine will! Did ever anybody of us experienced something similar? If they do it in Jerusalem by heaven and earth it is wrong; but when He for Himself nearly does the same, it is right and completely according to the order of Melchisedec! One of course cannot do anything about it; however, it is still very annoying!

2. Says Thomas the disciple who still keeps a sharp eye on Judas Ischariot: - Now then, finally something is not right for you? I‘m surprised that you not long ago began to rag the Lord for He placed the sun so far away from earth so that you can bake your pots more cheaply in its extreme proximity than by way of the usual wood fire!

3. See how nice it would be to fly like birds! Yes, at times it itched me in the shoulders, and I felt that I had to fly along with a flock of cheerfully floating cranes; I tried to hopple and jump, however the heavy body did not want to lift a foot above ground!

4. However, soon I was content with it and thought by myself: If God wanted that people should fly like birds, He would have given Him useful wings just like birds; but God saw that this ability would cause man more harm than good and gave him rather a pair of good and strong feet with which he can carry himself quite comfortable from one place to another. In addition to the two strong feet He gave him a pair of very useful hands and a mind reaching above all stars, by which, instead of the a pair of wings, he could produce for himself thousands of other conveniences, which apparently can provide him with more entertainment than the birds their wings; since it is quite debatable if the birds understand to appreciate their wings to the same extend than man his feet, his hands and his mind!

5. See, man also struggles to move forward in water for he does not have fins and no swim skin between the toes and fingers; but his God given mind taught him to build ships by means he can travel further over water than a fish, for whom a waterhole is a dwelling from which it never wants to wander off too far. And we can with fullest certainty assume that our later descendants will make extremely great progress regarding the art to build ships. Who knows whether any wise in future will succeed to lift off into the free air by means of an artificial pair of wings like the old Indians!

6. Here Judas interrupts Thomas and said somewhat irritated: - Did I ever recruit you as my teacher, so that you can preach to me at every occasion? Keep your wisdom for you and your children and leave me alone, otherwise you are forcing me to sharply shut your mouth! Because this I know well if I wanted to. With all your remarks regarding my equally free speeches and action I never have given you a crude word, and therefore truly do not know, why you always have to carve and plane on me! Just keep sweeping diligently in front of your own door, since for mine I will take care! If I don‘t like something, it is for me alone and...


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