AustraliaOne Party - Sydney Event (Part 3) - Evening Session

2 years ago

27 October 2022 Sydney Event - Part 3 ~ The Solution (Apologies for poor video quality, we had wifi connection issues with LIVEstream) Presentation: Recap of Melbourne presentation (Part 1) - The Situation Recap of Canberra presentation (Part 2) - The Situation Sydney presentation (Part 3) - The Solution - Our Intention - Imagine - How Can We Achieve Our End-State? - Real Leadership Defined - What's The Purpose of Leadership - Where Do You Start? - You and I Together Will Lead Australia - The Five (5) Pillars of Real Leadership - The Heroes of History - Your Instruction Manual Questions: Link to purchase Riccardo's book "Greatness Awaits You: The five pillars of real leadership":

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