Police politely giving history lessons during Capitol "riot" to peaceful J6er

2 years ago

Brandon Fellows cell phone video from inside the Capitol on January 6th shows officer's providing directions and offering a brief history lesson about the statutes in Statutory Hall, while other people peacefully mill around.

Despite this Brandon has been in custody since June 14th, denied bond for more than 500 days.

Support Brandon: https://www.givesendgo.com/freebrandon

Read his letter: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/heartbreaking-exclusive-j-6er-no-violent-charges-welcomed-capitol-police-suffers-incomprehensible-inhumane-treatment-dc-gulag-please-donate-can/

For more Jan 6ers in their own voices, go to: www.wearegoodmen.com

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