April 30, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Draw Souls to Me with the Fragrance of My Love

2 years ago

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Jesus says… Draw Souls to Me with the Fragrance of My Love

April 30, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… It is a beautiful miracle of grace, Lord, that you would speak to me every night this way. As far as the eye can see, people are streaming into your heart. Jesus’ arms are outstretched and they are flowing into His arms and into His heart. Such a miracle of grace – all I can do is weep. They want you so badly, they love you so much, they can’t live without You Lord. Oh, Merciful Savior, pour out your love on these souls who are aching to be with You. Break down all the barriers and let them find that place in your heart where they will never depart from, that place that is so perfectly molded to them, it is their place alone. Oh God hear my prayer and look with mercy upon these who hunger and thirst for you. Be merciful, oh My God.

Jesus answered… “And mercy they shall have, and love eternal they shall have. My compassion cannot be exhausted or limited in any way. Clare, I hunger and thirst for them as they hunger and thirst for Me. They cannot live without Me and I cannot live to My fullest until each and every one of My chosen ones is finally home in the abode of My heart, never, ever to pass from there.

“Completion in Heaven will not happen until they are all here, fulfilling their magnificent purpose in life. From the lowliest and most humble who I adore to the most outstanding, it matters not their station in life. All that matters is that they are Mine, eternally secure here in My Arms. Oh, how I long for them! The pain of longing for them is as it was on the cross! I longed for the completion of all things. Yes it was good to say… ‘It is finished’, but now I long to see the finish completed with the souls I died for.

“You cannot even imagine the acute pain I feel every day as I watch the predestined ones wander in circles in this wasteland of a world, searching for something intangible to them.

“I must be there when they lay their heads down on their pillows and cry themselves to sleep because they know something really important is missing in their lives.

“They’ve tried religion but never found Me, and I weep because so many of My people in religion do not know how to bring them to Me. They have the doctrine but they don’t have the Love – in fact without that, they indeed have nothing of what I am about.

“The substance of My life from beginning to end was one long demonstration of Love for mankind…and yet the portrayal of religion now are rules, regulations, have-to’s and don’ts.

“And so My little ones wander empty and lost on the hillsides so easily picked off by the wolves and lions. Clare, what did I touch you with from the beginning?”


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